Industry Experience:
Retail/Consumer Packaged Goods; Software development; Technical and management consulting; Industry standards development (e.g. ISO); Retail healthcare (limited)
Functional Experience:
President and CEO of a $3M global supply chain data management / data quality standards and service organization for past 8 years. Serve 25,000 companies in 153 countries. President of Standards Development and System Development for a Data management and data quality for the most widely used supply chain standards system in the world (UPC barcodes, Radio Frequency Identification-RFID, EDI, Data Quality, Product Safety/Recall and Data Management). Operational budget of 15M Euro for past 5 years.
Chief Operating Officer (5 years) for privately held global, business-to-business retail and consumer goods e-marketplace. Recruited to drive operational turnaround and market growth. Responsible for 75% of global workforce, business development, sales, IT, product development, strategic alliances and product delivery/support.
Vice President of Business Development (2 years) for internet based NASDAQ venture capital firm, bringing together corporate investors to portfolio companies to promote best practices, shared services, collaborative development and sales/marketing.
Key Business Transactional Experience:
- Part of executive management team to assess mergers and acquisitions
- Part of an executive team (IT, Operations) to ready our firm for merger
- Incorporation of an international subsidiary in the US
- Moving a company from non-tax exempt status to tax exempt with the IRS
- Several years with a venture capital company in business development and general management
- Organizational redesign and transformation to High Performance Organization
- Annual financial / budgetary planning; quarterly reconciliations and reporting
- Development of financial models for service offerings
- Many corporate reorganization efforts, restructuring, downsizing, outplacement, strategic hiring, interim consultancy hires, etc.
- Structuring of corporate annual reports
What is the most important skill you bring to a corporate board?
Boards of Directors serve to govern, provide strategic (and sometimes operational) guidance, open doors and provide oversight to drive the business to achieve its objectives. I am a multi-disciplined, seasoned, international executive with the ability to balance technology and business elements to drive operational and organizational change. I question the norm of operations in a business and have an eye for determining different options to operationally achieve a company’s mission/vision. I have a proven track record of success in transforming business units into customer-focused, revenue generating (for profit and not for profit) cohesive organizations. I have been successful in breaking down barriers, opening doors and developing mutually beneficial alliances amongst Fortune 500, start-up and emerging ventures, investors, suppliers and customers. I have a collaborative nature on the boards in which I serve as a voting or non-voting member.