Industry Experience:
- Intelligence Community/Federal Government/Department of Defense
- Senior Executive Leadership and Management
- Strategic planning
- Acquisition strategy development and source selection
- IT Systems Program management
- IT Enterprise Operations Management/ITIL/Cyber Security
- Workforce planning
- Organizational development and change management
- GEOINT Analysis
- GEOINT Source Operations
- Intelligence Community Organizations and Governance
- DoD Organizations and Governance
Functional Experience:
Mission and IT Strategy development and Business planning; Acquisition strategy and source selection; Program Management; IT Operations, Enterprise Management, Service Desk and Customer Service; Cyber Security; Metrics; Business Process Maturity;
Experienced Senior Executive and Program Manager with experience across full systems lifecycle from strategic IT planning and Acquisitionstrategy through system disposal.
IT Service Operations responsible for IT operations, maintenance and cyber defense of NGA’s global infrastructure, including a 24×7 Enterprise Service Center, IT call center and a newly formed Cyber Security Operations element.
GEOINT Intelligence analysis, production and source operations expertise.
Research and Development in the areas of Image Science and GEOINT tradecraft.
Human Resources/Workforce planning and development, plus Individual career development and organizational change management.
Key Business Transactional Experience:
Select experiences include:
- Currently Director/IT Services/Service Operations Group. Successfully planned and integrated initial Intelligence Community Enterprise Services into NGA’s worldwide IT Operations.
- Deputy Director for Agency’s Enterprise Operations Directorate, responsible for 24/7 worldwide IT operations and Information Services, oversaw government staff of 800 and 750M annual budget.
- Recent experience with Federal Information Security Act and Intelligence Community Security Compliance requirements as well as IT Disaster Recovery.
- As Deputy Director of the DNI Open Source Center and as part of expansion strategy:
- Served As US representative to the International Open Source Working Group, and succeeded in gaining multinational approval for a revised charter in 12 months.
- Co-sponsored two International Open Source Conferences with the DNI, attended by several thousand practitioners worldwide
- Established the Open Source Board of Directors, Chaired by the Director of Central Intelligence, effectively transitioning strategic leadership from the DNI to the Director of the Open Source Center and subsequently published the first integrated Intelligence Community Open Source program and Strategic Implementation Plan
- As Director of the NGA Support Team at the US Pacific Command, established a GEOINT Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Recovery Center of Excellence with enhanced collaboration, shared training, tactics and procedures to strategically leverage Federal, State, Local and International Organizations to improve support for the frequent humanitarian assistance needs of the region.
- Led substantial downsizing and workforce skill transitions: Downsized an 800 person Manual cartography workforce to a 650 person fully Digital Cartographic operation As part of the Intelligence Community wide IT rawdown, reducing the IT workforce while simultaneously retooling skills in the areas of Cloud, Cyber and Service Management.
- In 2012, part of Senior Leadership team that led the merger of our two IT directorates into a single 1200 person/1.5B IT organization. Also serve as Equality Executive, overseeing Diversity and Inclusion initiatives for the organization.
- Ran a professional advisory board for Imagery and Geospatial Sciences Workforce and in the past 6 months, established a firstever IT Operations Occupation within the Agency.
What is the most important skill you bring to a corporate board?
Unique insight and context, gained through 34 years in the Intelligence Community, running major activities for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and as Deputy Director of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Open Source Center at CIA. Senior Executive for the past 16 years, both in the DC area and on an external assignment embedded at the US Pacific Command in Hawaii. These experiences afforded the opportunity to lead a wide array of Strategic Governance and Operational Management functions and are directly transferrable to the Corporate Board Setting.
Kim understands the imperatives of transforming the entire business to meet the ever changing business challenges. She brings breadth and depth of experience in developing and orchestrating the strategy, the
mission, the technology, the skills and the culture – all changing together for corporate business success.