Industry experience:
Heather is a digital transformation strategist with nearly 25 years of experience in IT operations and management, IT Strategy, IT Policy, cyber security, business development, disruptive technologies, crypto, marketing, and education. She has held leadership positions with the International Monetary Fund, renowned engineering firm, Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, and Powertek Corporation. She has led award-winning teams of diverse executives and subject matter experts for Federal clients at NASA, DOL, and DHS. Heather’s expansive Liberal Arts and Engineering education has served her well, providing needed interdisciplinary mission-oriented value to the IT Government Contracting sector, marketing and communications for private industry, and in higher education roles.
Functional experience:
Heather is a change agent-driving business and organizational change through executable strategies. She has a strong track record of transforming organizations and delivering a clear vision for change. She has served as a technical SME at NASA as well as Program Director over a portfolio of contracts valued over $35M at DOL and DHS. She developed strategies, processes, and tools to support growth of the Federal LoB for high-value IT and consulting services, including M&A. In her current Enterprise Architecture role, she is responsible for governance, policy, and compliance, in addition to advising economists and Member Countries on Digital Transformation frameworks.
Key business transactional experience:
Heather’s role as Program Director at Powertek Corporation included P&L responsibilities and Business Development activities on the -Alliant Government Wide Acquisition Vehicle, and is the direct result of M&A of a new business unit.
What is the most important skill you bring to a corporate board?
With a mission focus, Heather has been invaluable in creating executable and sustainable change in notably rigorous, complex, and political organizations. She does this by understanding and valuing corporate culture, developing strong teams, advocating for disciplined execution, and being a visible model of the desired change.